Go2 Telecom | The Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic

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Case Study

Virtual and hybrid working in the government

The Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic

The Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic is responsible for the administration of the local judiciary authorities consisting of courts, state attorneys’ offices, probation and mediation offices, prisons, and rehabilitation centers.




Czech Republic



The Client

About the Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic

The ministry selected Poly to provide reliable and secure telecommunication services to the local judiciary authorities that were exploring a modern way of working, whether in a remote working or a hybrid working set-up, for onsite and offsite courtroom attendance by all parties during the official hearings. Improving the efficiency of internal, cross-authority collaboration between the organizations was one of the other objectives sought by the ministry.

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The Challenge

People-conscious and inclusive processes

Court hearings require people under judicial custody to be present in the room during the hearing, and it is the responsibility of the judiciary authorities to provide the escorting staff for such parties. The process becomes even more critical for sensitive cases, e.g. when involving children or vulnerable adults. Having a virtual or a hybrid combination of onsite-offsite participation provides another option for completing the hearings while being people-conscious, inclusive, efficient and agile for both the employees and the citizens involved in the process. The Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic adopted Poly’s end-to-end unified communications solutions to meet the target of conducting a total of 5,000 virtual hearings in a planned five-year period ending in 2021.

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The Solution

Boosted staff productivity

A total of two hundred unified communications (UC) solutions by Poly were implemented across the Czech Republic, including in the courts, the Public Prosecutor’s office and the state prisons. The Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic was swiftly able to achieve half of the five-year target of 5,000 virtual hearings within the first two months of the project. Poly’s UC solutions connected the staff to each other across local authorities securely, and the technology’s ease-of-use enabled speedy coordination of all urgent and sensitive hearings to deliver better citizen outcomes. The ministry has also seen a growth in adoption of video communications across its authorities, and the expedited coordination of court hearings has boosted staff’s productivity.


Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic deployed Poly Group Series systems

“Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic deployed Poly Group Series systems across the organization to video-enable the virtual hearings. We met half of our five-year target by completing 2,500 meetings in the first two months – this is a huge benefit for the citizens.”

Martin Kučera, IT Director at Ministry of Justice of Czech Republic

The Results

The results speak for themselves

The Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic was commended with an industry award by the Czech Association of Managers Information Technology (CACIO in the Czech language) in 2018 for driving better citizen outcomes through video conferencing solutions delivered by Poly. The project was successfully implemented with the support of Poly’s Czech Republic distributor atlantis telecom.

The Ministry of Justice of the Czech Republic is a progressive governmental organization that is now assessing the benefits of video communications across additional state authorities, such as Police offices, the Ministry of Healthcare, and the state psychiatric facilities.

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